Music Usage

Welcome to Funtime3Freddy3's music usage agreement. Here you can see when and how you, the user/listener, can use my music.
My music is under a fair use license, so you can freely use my music under a few conditions:

To make this respective project, I, your name here, used some of Funtime3Freddy3's music. Go check his music at and follow his social medias at

If it is a remix or a cover, you must do these things:

Spotify: 142svYxkDHrX9OVxDTXOKi
Amazon: B09H3L3YVD/funtime3freddy3
Deezer: 143847402
Apple Music: funtime3freddy3/1704388450

My record company Funtime3Freddy3 Records, can always take down your projects for not respecting the rules.