Welcome to Funtime3Freddy3's music usage agreement. Here you can see when and how you, the user/listener, can use my music.My music is under a fair use license, so you can freely use my music under a few conditions:
You must give credits with this line:
To make this respective project, I, your name here, used some of Funtime3Freddy3's music. Go check his music at https://f3f3.xyz/youtube https://f3f3.xyz/spotify and follow his social medias at https://f3f3.xyz/socials
You’re not legally allowed to claim my music in any circumstances
You must purchase my music via Itunes or my music store or Amazon or other music store that I distribute on, to use it in your projects and by purchasing it, doesn’t entitles you of owning the rights to it
You’re not allowed to sell my music
If it is a remix or a cover, you must do these things:
You’re not legally allowed to claim my music in any circumstances
You must purchase my music via Itunes or my music store or Amazon or other music store that I distribute on, to remix or cover my music and by purchasing it, doesn’t entitles you of owning the rights to it
You’re not allowed to sell my music
You’re not allowed to sell your remix or cover
You’re not allowed to copyright your remix or cover on anywhere
You must give 50% of your earnings to me
You’re allowed to own the rights to the remix or cover
My record company Funtime3Freddy3 Records, can always take down your projects for not respecting the rules.