How old are you? I’m 20 years old.
When is your birthday or when were you born? I was born on December 14 2003.
How tall you are? I’m currently 1.85 meters or 6 feets.
What’s your nationality or where are you from? I’m romanian and I live in Funtime3Freddy3 Records.
What’s your real name? I would like to keep my real name a secret, also you can call me ‘Funtime’.
What’s your zodiac sign? Sagittarius.
What’s your eyes color? Blue.
Can I use your music in my projects? This information is in my Music Usage agreement.
Can I sell your work? This information is also in my Music Usage agreement.
You went to college to make music? No.I’ve downloaded FL Studio when I was 13 and I started to learn using the program and to make music.
How did you learned to make music? I’ve watched ‘FL Studio Tutorials’ on Youtube and I watched like 70% of them.Till these days I still watch them to learn new things!
Are you taking commissions for custom made songs? No, I'm not doing this.For no amount of money I'll do custom songs for somebody.I'm respecting my work no matter what.
Where did you come with your artist name ‘Funtime3Freddy3’? When FNaF Sister Location came out in 2016, I’ve found on an android app for minecraft skins with them Funtime Freddy, I’ve liked that character (till these days) and I’ve chosed to put my birthdate year last number, namely ‘3’ with Funtime Freddy and it came out as that.
Do you like Funtime Freddy that you have your name like that? Yes.It’s a polar bear as me in real life!Cute, friendly, fat, smart, talented, creative, good as a friend and funny as fuck.
Are you gay that your theme is pink with white? No, I like girls.Everyone can like whatever they want to.
What plugins and more do you use? That question is answered in my website's about page.
Are you using Wordpress as the application of the website? No.From 10/31/2023, Wordpress had been discontinued to be used as my websites application.Wordpress it's having a lack of security, which I've discovered in them API.
What music do you listen the most? I'm listening to almost all genres of music, but I don’t like Manele genre and Romania Traditional Music that we have here in Romania.
How do you come with the track titles, beats, rythms and more? I’m a creative person, like I have almost 500 projects that are waiting to be released in my hard drive, also I’m inspiring very fast and with the track titles, when I’m listening to a respective track, of how I’m feeling on that respective track, that’s how I’m giving the track a name.
What artist did inspire you the most? A lot of them.If I would like to remember some of them, would be CG5 with his beautiful pop, trap, indie tracks and beats, Kevin MacLeod with his film music cuz I like his work, Panos Savvidis with his EDM tutorials that he make, SeamlessR with his dubstep music, Rick Astley with his rickrolles, Busy Works Beats with his trap tutorials, Saxxon Fox with his Electro tracks, Lukas Graham with his beautiful pop tracks, Ragasur with his pop tracks, Osheen with his tutorials, Sheet Music Boss with them piano remakes, In The Mix with his tutorials, Myuu, Avicii and more.
What were your best childhood moments? My best childhood moments weere when I as a 10-11 years old watching on my old Sony Xperia that I still have till these days Smosh, Alan Becker and other american youtubers, playing after school specific Friday, with my best friend Minecraft PE at her house, cuz on that time, Minecraft PE didn’t had xbox functionality and waiting for our meditation english teacher to welcome us with a new english lesson.To be honest, I really enjoyed to learn and speak english.On that time I was with HayDay, a farming simulation game that I was level 40 and a tragic thing happened.I forgot my old google account and I couldn’t log in back, cuz I’ve forgot my secret question.I still remember 2 best friends called Andrew and Dany that where coming to me almost everyday, we're playing outside and on my old tablet games like Minecraft, Talking Tom and watching Youtube.
Ohhh…I have a recording with me going on google maps playing a song in the background, where me and Freddy the Games found the spot where we were standing the most at school:
When you'll be a free man without school? I'm free right now!I've finished the 12 years of prison sentence on May 19 2022!Also here is a song of me celebrating!
What plans do you have? I'll continue to make music, code/program more websites/projects, make more services with my company Funtime3Freddy3 Records and keep them up as much as I can.
Thank you for all the questions you guys asked!If you have more to ask me, you can do it by this:
-comment them on my Youtube videos
-write them on my Discord Server or contact me on my Discord DM